Listening and co-producing services with children and young people that have special educational needs and disabilities, and their families, is an essential part of the work we do.
By sharing decisions and understanding how services can be improved means that local services are shaped directly by those who use them, through their lived experience.
The CCG, NHS Trust, Council and voluntary organisations continue to work in partnership with families and young people to find out what matters most to them. The video below illustrates what matters to young people.
You can find out more about the partnership working in the monthly SEND Improvements Journey eNewsletter.
What is the Local Offer?
The Local Offer gives children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and their parents or carers information about what activities and support are available in the area where they live.
The Local Offer aims to improve choice, flexibility and transparency for families and to help them have more control over services by setting out the local provision for children and young people with SEND and their families.
For more information on the Local Offer visit: Stockport Local Offer
Outcomes Framework for Children and Young People
We have worked together with parents, carers, young people and workforce across the local area to co-produce a set of Outcomes that we all want to achieve for children and young people.
The agreed statements are:
- I feel safe
- I feel part of my local community
- My voice is heard and acted upon
- I enjoy good health and wellbeing
- I am happy and have people I can trust
- I am confident and able to reach my goals
- The people who love and care for me are enabled to do this
Regular updates can be found on the Local Offer Outcomes Framework page.
What services are commissioned for children and young people with SEND?
In addition to the general services that are commissioned for the whole of the population, health services specifically provided for children and young people with additional needs include:
- Therapy services – Speech and Language Therapy, Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy
- HYMS – Healthy Young Minds Stockport
- Continuing and complex care assessments and packages
- Equipment including wheelchairs and mobility aids
To find out more read the SEND Joint Commissioning Plan:
What is the role of the CCG in the implementation of the SEND reforms?
The CCG is working in partnership to contribute to the implementation of the SEND reforms (Children and Families Act 2014). Together we will ensure that health services commissioned locally for children and young people are shaped by the lived experience.
This means that the CCG, partners, families and young people will work together to identify the what matters in accessing Education, Health and Care and to identify any gaps in local provision.
SEND Inspections
Local SEND services are inspected jointly by Ofsted and the Care Quality Commission. To read the latest information on the Stockport SEND Inspection visit: Stockport SEND Inspection