Procurement & Contracts


NHS Stockport CCG is responsible for shaping and designing the healthcare services that local people need, then selecting the best providers to run them. The process of specifying a service and identifying the appropriate provider or providers to deliver the service is called procurement.

On this page you can find out more about the processes we will follow in procuring services and the procurement that is completed or planned.

Click here to view our Procurement policy:

NHS Stockport CCG Procurement Policy – 2021

Current contracts

All procurements issued by the CCG will either be published on this page or at the following link:

The table below provides information about contracts we have awarded in line with our obligations under The National Health Service (Procurement, Patient Choice and Competition) Regulations 2013. It includes:

  • the name of the provider awarded the contract
  • a description of the health care services to be provided under the contract,
  • an indication of the financial value of the contract,
  • the length of the contract, and
  • a description of the process adopted for selecting the provider(s) see below.

Procurement Method

There are a variety of procurement methods available for identifying which provider will deliver services. How we decide which method to use is described within the procurement policy. A brief description of the methods in the table below is:-

Restricted Procedure = The restricted procedure allows any interested party to request to participate in the tender process but only those who have passed the pre-qualification stage may submit a tender.

Direct Award = The CCG will consider whether it is appropriate and compliant to directly award a contract without any competitive process, involving a directly negotiated solution with a single provider.

Open Procedure = The open procedure means that the Invitation to Tender will be sent to all suppliers that express an interest.

Any Qualified Provider (AQP) = The AQP process is to appoint providers to an AQP Framework.  This is designed to validate the providers’ ability to meet the CCGs’ service specification, quality and cost requirements and confirm that they accept the terms and conditions of the Framework.

NHS Stockport CCG Contract Information


2021-2022 Procurement and New Contracts Register


2020-2021 Procurement and New Contracts Register


2019-20 Contract and Planned Contracts


2018-19 Contract and Planned Contracts


2017-18 Contract and Planned Contracts


2016-17 Contracts and planned contracts

Budget for Commissioned Services

Budget for Commissioned Services 2015-16


2015-16 Contracts and planned contracts v4


Procurement information 2013-15