Stockport Together is a major transformation programme across the health and social care partners in Stockport
Here in Stockport we’re proud that our borough is one of the healthiest places to live in the North West. We take pride in our achievements, including the fact that Stockport residents are living longer than ever before.
But we cannot – and should not – ignore our changing world, and whilst doing nothing is an option we could look at, we would be facing an ever worsening financial position. This would make it impossible to continue offering safe and efficient health and care services.
Stockport’s health inequality gaps continue to pose significant problems. For example, there are vast differences between life expectancy across the different areas within Stockport. So, depending on where you live, you may live up to 11 years longer, and a more healthy life, than someone in another area of Stockport.
And with an ageing population and a predicted rise in the number of people living here, we need to find ways of improving care within the budget that we are given. These changes will not reduce the amount of money we spend on health and social care in Stockport. Rather they will mean we can manage the increased demands within the resources we have.
So that’s what we’re doing. We are transforming the way health and social care is managed so the services you rely on are fit for purpose in the 21st century.
The Stockport Together programme combines the skills of five organisations: NHS Stockport Clinical Commissioning Group, Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust (mental health services), Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council, Stockport NHS Foundation Trust (Stepping Hill hospital and community health services) and Viaduct Care (a federation representing all Stockport GPs).