The NHS Stockport Clinical Commissioning Group is developing a formulary to guide clinicians on the most appropriate medications to use for patients.
The formulary:
The evidence base for the drug has been considered alongside current clinical guidance and practice in developing the GMMMG Formulary and will help to ensure that patients receive seamless care across the primary-secondary care interface and reduce the need for switching programmes.
Adherence to the formulary is strongly recommended by NHS Stockport Clinical Commissioning Group and GMMMG. Further information on the GMMMG formulary can be found at:
The formulary is one of five main work streams of the Medicines Management QIPP plan (optimising use of the drug of choice) with the aim being to maximise safe value based prescribing.
Please follow the GM Antimicrobial guidance above
The aims of this guidance are:
• to provide a simple, empirical approach to the treatment of common infections
• to promote the safe and effective use of antibiotics
• to minimise the emergence of bacterial resistance in the community