Our Plans and Priorities

The CCG works in collaboration with our GP members, local people and partners to develop our plans and priorities and to ensure that services meet local needs.

Stockport CCG will continue to implement our published 5 Year Strategy and commissioning plans set out in our 2020/21 Commissioning Intentions as far as possible in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.  Planning for commissioning for 2021/22 is not yet definable so we cannot set specific intentions for that period at this time.  We will be in a position to update our commissioning intentions when national guidance is made available towards the end of 2020.  If you would like to give your views and ideas on Stockport CCG’s commissioning of health services, please do so using this email: stoccg.customerservices@nhs.net .

To learn more about the CCG’s Strategic Plans please download:

Commissioning Intentions 2021/22

Commissioning Intentions 2020/21

CCG Strategic Plan 2019-2024

Stockport Locality Plan

You can also read find out more about the CCG Operational Plan & Annual Delivery Plans.

Public engagement in planning

As part of the CCG’s commitment to public and patient engagement, a framework has been developed to support Commissioners in completing any required impact assessment and the appropriate level of engagement that may be needed.

Read our Engagement and Involvement plans:

Stockport CCG Engagement Toolkit

Stockport CCG Involvement & Engagement Strategy

Accessible Information

If you would like any of this information in a different format (such as Large Print, Audio, Easy Read or Braille) or a different language, please call us on 0161 426 9900 or email stockportccg.communications@nhs.net.