The core hours of Stockport GP practices are Monday to Friday, 8am – 6.30pm although many are open longer.
If your GP practice is closed but you need help or advice urgently, you can ring your usual practice telephone number and you will be directed to services available at that time.
Alternatively you can ring 111.
This NHS phone service, free to both landlines and mobiles, makes it easy for you to get high quality health advice when you need help fast but it’s not a life-threatening situation.
NHS111 is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The call handlers can provide health advice, put you in touch with the right service, arrange to have you seen by a doctor or call you an ambulance.
The service is staffed by trained call handlers, with nurses on site to offer support if needed. Callers’ symptoms are assessed and they are given the healthcare advice they need or are directed immediately to the right service.