Annual Report & Accounts

The NHS Constitution and the Five Year Forward View, set out a clear message that the NHS should put patients and the public at the heart of everything it does.

Each year the CCG publishes its Annual Report and Accounts and key to the report is the public involvement activity for the year.

Although the annual report is just one way in which the CCG can showcase our public involvement work, it is our formal record of activity and commitment to our local communities.

The CCG also publishes and annual Statement of Involvement that provides greater detail on the engagement and participation activity over the financial year and is produced in collaboration with patients.

Click here to read the latest:

CCG 360 Stakeholder Survey

This annual 360 Stakeholder Survey is a critical element of the annual assurance process, which all CCGs are required to undertake.

The survey enables the CCG and NHS England to monitor how our relationships with stakeholders  and informs our organisational development.

To read the latest results from the 360 Stakeholder Survey please click here:

For older Surveys please click here: CCG 360 Survey

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