Patient Stories

Bladder Cancer

Hearing that she had bladder cancer was devastating for Stockport resident Liz Wilson but she explains how the local NHS worked brilliantly together to successfully treat it and help her on the road to  recovery.

Walking to better health

Stockport patient Graham Ward explains how being diagnosed with diabetes helped change his life. Using the XPERT patient course, the PARiS scheme and a local walking group, he shed 52 pounds, and is now fit, healthy and medication free.

Steady in Stockport

Stockport resident Brian Wild explains how the Steady in Stockport Service helped him get back on his feet after several falls made him anxious about going out.


Stockport patient Danielle Dean-Barlas explains how having her local GP trained to use a Dermatascope enabled her skin cancer to be detected at a very early stage when it was easily treatable.

7 Day Access

Reddish patient Kath Whetstone and an Advanced Nurse Practitioner, Sarah Taylor, from Heaton Moor Medical Centre explain the benefits, to both patients and clinicians, of 7 Day Access to GP surgeries.

Bowel Cancer Screening

Stockport resident Maureen Rackham talks about her experience of being diagnosed with bowel cancer and the importance of using your bowel cancer screening kit.

Change your life for the better

NHS manager Laura Latham was inspired, after starting to work for the health service, to change her own lifestyle to become fit and healthy. Now she hopes to inspire others to make the change.

Integrated care

Stockport resident Heather Cook explains the high quality, seamless NHS care she received at primary and secondary level after a skiing accident abroad left her with a complicated leg fracture.

Expert Patient

Stockport resident Gladys Hill explains how the local NHS service’s XPERT Patients course for diabetes and long term conditions help her to improve her health and take control of her medical condition.

C Difficile

Stockport resident Anne Faulkner talks about her experience of contracting Clostridium difficile.


Stockport resident Gill Dickinson talk about her fight to control her diabetes and how a local NHS “expert patient” course she went on enabled her to take control.


Stockport patient Beryl Boardman talks about her experience of having a stroke, the aftermath of it and its impact on her.


Stockport resident Pam McDonald explains how being diagnosed with COPD meant a change in life style that led to a new lease of life.

Bowel Screening

Stockport patient Clem Beaumont explains how using the NHS bowel cancer screening kit that was sent to his home saved his life.

Blood in your pee – take action now!

Stockport patient Bob Grindrod explains how seeing his GP after he spotted blood in his pee led to life saving surgery.