CCG FOI 796 – Acupuncture

Responded to: 13th February 2017

1. How much money did the CCG spend on acupuncture services in the financial years 2013-14, 2014-15, and 2015-16?
NHS Stockport CCG is not aware of any spend on acupuncture in the years mentioned above.

2.   How many referrals for acupuncture services were made in each of those years (if possible, broken down by initial consultation and follow-up consultations)?

3.   For which conditions were patients referred to acupuncture services in each of those years (with numbers per condition, if possible)?

NHS Stockport CCG does not any referral data in regards to Questions 2 and 3 but the following has been handled via the Effective Use of Resources process:

March 2014 Migraines and the provider was Stockport Acupuncture.. The cost was £260 for 10 sessions Agreed
July 2013 Low back pain   Closed
May 2013 Chronic fatigue syndrome   Declined
July 2013 Tinnitus   Declined
June 2014 Pain and stiffness in thumbs   Declined
Oct 2014 Headaches   Declined
July 2014 Headaches/migraines   Declined
June 2015 Migraines   Declined
July 2015 Trigeminal neuralgia   Declined
March 2016 Chronic Fatigue Syndrome   Declined

4.   Do you have a written policy on the funding of acupuncture services?  If so, please provide a copy.

5.   Do you have any contracts with acupuncture providers to whom you may refer patients?  If so, please (i) confirm with whom you have contracts and (ii) provide copies of the contracts.

NHS Stockport CCG does not hold this information. You may wish to contact Stockport NHS Foundation Trust (Stepping Hill Hospital) for further information:

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