Responded to: 9th February 2017
2015-2016: £4,054,478
2. How much did the CCG plan to spend on vascular services in the fiscal year 2016-2017: £4,198,267
The spend for questions 1 and 2 is based on NHS Stockport CCG main contracted Providers
3. Does the CCG follow any best practice pathways for treating patients with suspected or confirmed vascular disease – including Peripheral Arterial Disease and Critical Limb Ischaemia? If so, please provide details of this.
NHS Stockport CCG are currently reviewing their pathway for vascular disease
4. Does the CCG have a named contact person for vascular disease in
a) a hospital setting and/or b) a community setting, 24 hours a day who is a member of the multidisciplinary team in case of emergencies? No.
You may wish to contact Stockport NHS Foundation Trust for this information:
5. Does the CCG carry out workforce planning to support your vascular services? If so, please provide details. No
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