Responded to: 21st January 2017
A full list of NHS services and locations supplying emergency care telephony call handling or any NHS service that handles such calls (such as 99 call centres for your area)
North West Ambulance Service (NWAS) handle our 999 calls. There are no specific call centres/control in Stockport, but the full list of stations and centres is in the public domain
A full list of non NHS or complanies supplying (and their locations) non-emergency care call handling services, such as 11 or GP out of hours.
NHS111 is provided by NWAS . Their headquartered are at LadyBridge Hall in Bolton and Middlebrook, Bolton Please see above link.
Our Out of Hours (OOH) services are provided by Mastercall Healthcare. International House, Pepper Rd, Hazel Grove SK7 5BW.
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