CCG FOI 765 – Out of Hours (OOH)

Responded to: 17th January 2017

·        Are GP Out of Hours (OOH) Services within the footprint of your organisation commissioned and contracted centrally by NHS Stockport CCG or are the provision and contracting of these services up to the individual GP practices?

GP Out of Hours  services are contracted by NHS Stockport CCG.

·        If the OOH services are commissioned and contracted by NHS Stockport CCG, who is the current provider of GP OOH services? (Please provide name)

The current contract is with Mastercall Healthcare         

·         How long is the current contract with this provider?  The current contract is up until 31st March 2017

·         Over the past calendar year (Dec 2015 to Dec 2016), how much was spent by NHS Stockport CCG on GP OOH Services?  Between December 2015 to December 2016 the CCG spent £3,485,075 on the Out of Hours Service

·         If some of your GP practices commission their own GP OOH services, which ones are currently doing this?  (please identify, if possible, by Organisation Code)  N/A

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