Responded to: 29th December 2016
For the CCGs you’re responsible for, please can you tell me:
1. How many reports of hospitals breaching the new rules on workload dump have you received from practices? Please can these figures be broken down for each hospital the complaint was made against.
NHS Stockport CCG does not currently record figures to obtain this information
2. What action or sanctions has the CCG enforced so far?
NHS Stockport CCG has requested assurances that Stockport NHS Foundation Trust will review the relevant policies. In addition the CCG has forwarded to the Trust a number (2-3) informal queries received from GPs. The CCG will look to implement a more formal process for tracking queries next year although these may go directly to the Trust.
3. Please can you share any documents the CCG has produced setting out its policy for managing inappropriate workload dump by hospitals
This will be managed by the conditions within the NHS Standard Contract.
In the 2017/18 NHS standard contract there is a requirement that we must have a Service Development Improvement Plan (SDIP) with each major local provider, setting out the actions they will take jointly to improve working across the secondary / primary care interface. These plans should aim to tackle the issues described in Making Time in General Practice, ensuring that secondary care providers do not inadvertently create avoidable extra work for general practices. At the same time, plans should identify ways in which processes and behaviours within primary care can be improved to allow secondary care to function more efficiently.
NHS Stockport CCG are in the process of agreeing an SDIP with Stockport NHS Foundation Trust covering assurances/improvements around:
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