CCG FOI 741 – Telehealth/Telemedicine Services

Responded to: 5th January 2017

  1. Please list all telehealth/ telemedicine services or programmes your trust/ CCG has commissioned or been involved in trialing/ rolling out in the last four years.

     Not presently, but it is on the development programme for  2017/18  to implement a pilot.

  1. For each, please give the following details
  • When they were commissioned N/A
  • How many patients used the services? N/A
  • Are the services are still running? N/A
  • Please name the telehealth / telemedicine provider that was contracted to provide the service N/A
  • How much did your CCG/ Trust spend on this service N/A
  • Was any assessment made of the success of the service? If so, please provide details of what the assessment found. N/A
  1. Have you commissioned Tunstall Ltd to provide any telehealth / telemedicine service? N/A
  1. If you have commissioned Tunstall Ltd to provide telehealth / telemedicine services: N/A
  • Which services did you contract them for?
  • Are these services still running?
  • How much were Tunstall Ltd paid?
  • Was any assessment made of the success of the service? If so, please provide details of what the assessment found

Please provide answers to the following for each of the years 2014,2015 and 2016.

5. How many GP surgeries exist in your area?

  • Results are from 1st of January  for the relevant years1.1.2014 – 501.1.2015 – 491.1.2016 – 41.1.2017 – 42

    Please note that a GP Practice may have more than one location

    6. Of those, how many have offered video consultations to patients?

    NHS Stockport CCG is not aware of any GP Practices delivering such a service but there are plans to look at a pilot in 2017/18

    7. How many still offer them? N/A

    8. For each of the years 2014, 2015 and 2016 please give the following figures:

  •  How many GP consultations of any kind took place  NHS Stockport CCG does not have access to this information. You would need to contact the GP Surgeries directly. Further contact information can be found on the NHS Choices website:
  • Of these, how many were carried out over skype/ other videoconferencing services? (Please give the name of the programme or programmes used, eg Skype, VaaS.) N/A
  • What was the average length of a video consultation? N/A
  • Who is the service provider for your video consultations? N/A
  • How much have they been paid? N/A
  • Was any assessment carried out on the success/ uptake/ impact of videoconferencing services? If so please give details of what was found. N/A

9. Do you have plans to trial or use Giraff robots? NHS Stockport CCG does not have plans to trial or use Giraff Robots

If so, please provide the following details:

a)      How many devices will you trial or use

b)      What will the trial cost?

c)       When will it be launched?

10. Do you have plans to trial or use telepresence robots in dementia services or for those suffering from dementia?  NHS Stockport CCG does not have plans to trial or use telepresence robots.

a)      If so, how many?

b)      What will the trial cost?

c)       When will it be launched?

Telehealth or Telemedicine is the use of technology provided by the NHS to patients, in order that the patient can carry out self- monitoring, use the technology to communicate with a healthcare provider.

In the context of dementia care it is used to try and assist dementia sufferers to live independently, by monitoring them in their homes and assisting them with daily tasks.

11. Please provide details of all telehealth/ telemedicine/ telecare services you offer dementia patients?

NHS Stockport CCG are not aware of any such services. You may wish to contact Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust at:

12. Please name all services and/or devices which have been provided. N/A

13. For each service/ device provided, please N/A

a) Name the provider or manufacturer

b) State how much the provider or manufacturer was paid to provide the devices

14. How many patients are diagnosed as suffering from dementia in your area?

As at November 2016 – 2,851 patients (all ages) were recorded on the QOF dementia register. This information is published monthly at :

15. Of those, how many dementia patients have been provided with telehealth / telemedicine services?

NHS Stockport CCG does not hold this information. You may wish to contact Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council at

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