Responded to: 5th December 2016
I am currently setting up:
(1) domiciliary visiting medicines review (focusing on both medicines optimisation and medicines adherence) NHS Stockport CCG has no service specifications, audit reports or service evaluations for domiciliary medication reviews
(2) palliative care services (to ensure the timely and appropriate availability of end of life medicines) within Norfolk using the community pharmacy network and GP practice based pharmacy network, working in conjunction with our NHS community services teams.
I am therefore writing to ask if you could send me any reports (service specifications, audit reports, service evaluations etc.) which you may have relating to any services of a similar nature delivered in your area. See (1) above
We are currently working in collaboration with the University of East Anglia School of pharmacy to collate all the information available on existing services. Therefore if you have any reports which you are able to share with us can you please send them to:
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