CCG FOI 720 – Friends & Family Testing

Responded to: 16th November 2016

Please can your organisation respond to the attached FOI request in relation to the money your organisation has invested in implementing the Friends and Family Test.

I want to know the following information:

1.  initial cost to set up and implement the FFT There were no costs to NHS Stockport CCG. NHS Stockport CCG was not  responsible for the implementation of the Friends and Family Test (FFT)

2.  Ongoing or recurrent costs of operating the FFT As above, therefore there are no on-going or recurrent costs.

3.  Bands of staff and Whole Time Equivalents directly responsible for the management of Friends and Family Test.There were no costs to NHS Stockport CCG

4.  If you have used an external / 3rd party agency to implement the Friends and Family Test. N/A – NHS Stockport CCG is not patient facing and did not implement the FFT. 

 Any other information required should be directed to Stockport NHS Foundation Trust (Stepping Hill Hospital) at:

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