Responded to: 29th November 2016
Can you please provide me with details of the number of referrals for treating the following skin lesions in the last 12 months
NHS Stockport CCG does not hold information on referrals, outpatient activity or Primary Care activity specific to the skin lesions requested. The CCG does however hold data for inpatient activity related to skin lesions. For more information you may wish to contact the providers directly.
If you do not have the information for each specific lesion could you please advise the total number of referrals in the last 12 months for treatment of non-malignant skin lesions.
Can you also please provide a best estimate of the total annual spend by the CCG for the current financial year?
For the twelve months to September 2016, there were 27 matching inpatient spells, with a total cost of £16,649.
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