CCG FOI 712 – Complex Care Packages

Responded to: 14th November 2016

Under the Freedom of Information Act, I would like to request the following information regarding Complex Care packages, for adults with complex physical or neurological disabilities within your local CCG area.

1. Please supply the name, job title, email address and telephone number of the Commissioner with responsibility for commissioning Complex Care packages, for adults (aged 18-64) with complex physical or neurological disabilities.

2. Please provide the total number of adults receiving Continuing Healthcare (CHC) funded packages of care;

a) At year-end 2014/15 and 2015/16

b) New placements during the year 2014/15 and 2015/16

3. Please provide the total number of adults with the following conditions receiving CHC funded packages of care in 2015/16 – at year-end and new placements during the year. If data not available for 2015/16, please provide 2014/15 data;

a) Acquired brain injury (ABI)

b) Stroke

c) Huntington’s Disease

d) Multiple sclerosis

e) Spinal injury

f) Other neurological conditions e.g. Pick’s disease, Korsakoff’s syndrome, muscular dystrophy, Parkinson’s disease, motor neurone disease (MND) – please state which conditions are included in your response

4. How many of those adults (in question 3) are cared for in Care Home and Hospital settings?

a) Acquired brain injury (ABI)

b) Stroke

c) Huntington’s Disease

d) Multiple sclerosis

e) Spinal injury

f) Other neurological conditions e.g. Pick’s disease, Korsakoff’s syndrome, muscular dystrophy, Parkinson’s disease, motor neurone disease (MND) – please state which conditions are included in your response

5. Please provide the total expenditure on CHC funded packages of care for financial years 2014/15 and 2015/16, and the CHC expenditure on Care Home and Hospital placements over the same period. If expenditure for 2015/16 is not yet available, please provide projected expenditure.

6. Please provide the list of providers that received this funding.

7. What is the highest rate paid per week for a Complex Care (CHC funded) placement?

8. What is the lowest rate paid per week for a Complex Care (CHC funded) placement?

Please see attached document:

Please note: The information within the attached spreadsheet relates to Complex cases only. Those people who are assessed as meeting the criteria for NHS Continuing Healthcare are not included within these figures.

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