CCG FOI 692 – Specialist Interventions (Mental Health& Financial problems)

Responded to:

Whether you consider financial difficulties in your local health needs assessment?
In relation to financial difficulties the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment  (JSNA) for mental health and well-being references the number of benefit claimants in Stockport.  The JSNA also references that unemployed residents have low mental well-being. 47% of these may be attributable to unemployment.

Whether your mental health service users (for both primary and secondary care) are routinely asked about their financial circumstances or difficulties?
We know that clients are asked about their employment status, however with regard to financial difficulties NHS Stockport CCG does not have this information. You may wish to contact Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust at: who we commission to provide our mental health services.

Whether you commission, either solely or in partnership with any other agency (such as local government), any specialist services such as those listed above, for people who have both financial difficulties and mental health problems?
NHS Stockport CCG has provided funding under a pooled budget with the local authority for welfare rights advice and support.

Whether you have a formal and/or informal working arrangement with any external organisations (e.g. Citizens’ Advice Bureaux) providing financial, welfare or debt advice, and if so which one(s)?
NHS Stockport CCG does not have a formal and/or informal working arrangements with any external organisation providing financial advice

How many people using your primary and secondary mental health services are referred to or provided with a specialist service that addresses financial needs?
NHS Stockport CCG does not have this information, you can obtain it from Pennine Care NHS Foundation

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