CCG FOI 687 – Prolonged Disorders of Consciousness

Responded to: 6th October 2016

This request concerns patients supported through the continuing healthcare budget in your Clinical Commissioning Group.  We are interested in patients who fall within the clinical group, regardless of which particular sub-section of the budget is involved.

1)      Considering all patients supported by the continuing healthcare budget in your Clinical Commissioning Group.

i)        How many current patients fall into a group with a prolonged disorder of consciousness? Please include patients which have the following labels.

a)       Vegetative state

b)       Minimally Conscious State or Minimal Awareness State or similar

c)       Prolonged disorder of consciousness

d)       Is obviously in one of those states as recorded in the assessment tool

ii)       How many current patients fall into a group with a prolonged disorder of consciousness where the state has been present for at least six months (not necessarily funded for all that time)?

Please include patients in categories listed in 1 i) a-d.

There is no need to separate out the different categories.  The person may be of any age, and may have any underlying diagnosis including no clear diagnosis.

We recognise that there will be uncertainty in some cases.  You should make a ‘best guess’ about the diagnosis if uncertain.

2)      For patients in the categories set out in 1 i) a-d, please break the total number of patients down by where the patient is cared for using the following categories:

i)        An NHS hospital or other NHS facility

ii)       A nursing home or residential home

iii)      Own home

iv)      Other

ii)   Please express this as a proportion of your total annual budget for the 2015/16 financial year.

We recognise that there are different types of residential care but do not expect a further differentiation.

3)      For each patient currently being treated by your group in the categories listed in 1 i) a-d, how long has the patient been in this state of prolonged consciousness disorder?

If total length of state is unavailable, please provide the length of time that you have been funding care.

4)      Considering all the patients you in the categories listed in 1 i) a-d

i)        What was the total cost of supporting these patients in the 2015/16

NHS Stockport CCG has no one who meets Continuing Healthcare that falls into the identified group of having a prolonged disorder of consciousness

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