Responded to: 20th October 2016
I would like to know if you have delayed care or refused any form of treatment, procedure or surgery, for patients on the grounds that they smoke or because they are obese.
Please let me know if this has happened during this current financial year, and also if this has happened in the 2015/2016 financial year
NHS Stockport CCG does not hold this information. You would need to contact individual providers and/or individual GP Practices for this information.
However we can provide our policy details where this applies:
This would only apply to NHS Stockport CCG’s Sub-Fertility Policy
8.1 Women will be required to achieve a BMI of 19-30 before treatment begins. Women outside this range can still undergo investigations and be added to the ‘watchful-waiting’ list but treatment will not commence until their BMI is within this range. (Exceptionally a woman with a BMI above 29 may be able to demonstrate that they are not clinically obese through use of other acceptable measures).
9.1 Patients must be non-smoking in order to access any fertility treatment and must continue to be non-smoking throughout treatment. Providers should seek evidence from referrers and confirmation from patients. Providers should also include this undertaking on the consent form and ask patients to acknowledge that smoking will result either in cessation of treatment or treatment costs being applied..
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