CCG FOI 680 – Wound Care

Responded to: 19th October 2016

1.  Please supply me with your most up to date wound care formulary (please indicate if you do not work from a formulary).

This information is available on the NHS Stockport CCG website:

2. Please can you outline how compliance with your formulary is enforced?  This is not enforced as it is guidance not policy

3. Please indicate where possible what your average monthly usage of each product is. Prescription data is available from NHS Business Services Authority:

4. Can you list the number of wound care products used that are not currently on the formulary? NHS Stockport CCG does not hold this information, however Data from Question 3 can be compared to Question 1

5. Can you provide usage levels for non-formulary wound care products in each of the last twelve months? Prescription data is available from NHS Business Services Authority

6. How often do you review your wound care formulary and when was this last undertaken? Greater Manchester Medicines Management Group undertakes this:

7. Can you provide an overview of the information you assess when reviewing your formulary? Greater Manchester Medicines Management Group undertakes this

8. Can you supply the number of tissue viability nurses employed in

i.     2016, ii.    2015, iii.   2014, iv.  2013, v.   2012

NHS Stockport CCG does not hold this information You may wish to contact Stockport NHS Foundation Trust (Stepping Hill Hospital)

9.  Can you supply the number of leg ulcer nurses employed in

i. 2016, ii.  2015, iii. 2014, iv. 2013, v. 2012

NHS Stockport CCG does not hold this information You may wish to contact Stockport NHS Foundation Trust (Stepping Hill Hospital)

10.   What percentage of your practice nurses received specialist training in wound management in:

i.  2016 – 2.61%

ii.  2015 – 2.61%

iii.  2014, iv. 2013, v 2012  – NHS Stockport CCG does not hold records prior to 2015 showing wound care training. You may wish to contact individual GP Practices for their figures. Contact details can be found on the NHS Choices website:

11.   Can you supply us with the figures for your total spend on wound care products in

i.   2016, ii  2015, iii.  2014, iv. 2013, v. 2012

Prescription data is available from NHS Business Services Authority. Products may be used by other providers.

12.   Can you supply us with the figures for your total spend on compression bandages in

i.   2016, ii.   2015, iii.   2014, iv.   2013, v.   2012

Prescription data is available from NHS Business Services Authority. Products may be used by other providers

13.   Can you supply us with the figures for your total spend on Anti-Microbial wound care products in

i.   2016, ii.   2015, iii.   2014, iv.   2013, v.    2012

Prescription data is available from NHS Business Services Authority. Products may be used by other providers.

14.   Can you supply us with the figures for your total spend hosiery products in

i.   2016, ii.  2015, iii.  2014, iv.  2013, v.   2012

Prescription data is available from NHS Business Services Authority. Products may be used by other providers.

15.   Do you have a strategy in place to implement NICE Guideline 179- Pressure ulcers: prevention and management of pressure ulcers

NICE guidance processes are followed by our providers through their governance structures and as part of this our providers review the guidance and develop an action plan as appropriate to the service to address developmental areas within. As a CCG we are assured by our providers that this process happens and we receive confirmation that guidance has been assessed (specifically from our acute and community providers), we have received this confirmation for guideline 179.

16.   Can you provide details on how the NICE Guidelines is implemented and how you monitor compliance?

As commissioners, we do not hold details on implementation. NHS Stockport CCG Quality Committee review assurance against NICE guidance 4 months after publication to identify gaps against best practice and assess any associated clinical risks

17.   Can you supply the total number of patients in each of the last five calendar years that had

i.   Level 1 pressure ulcers

ii.   Level 2 pressure ulcers

iii.  Level 3 pressure ulcers

iv.  Level 4 pressure ulcers

NHS Stockport CCG does not hold information of pressure ulcers However there is published provider data in the NHS Safety Thermometer at

For further information you may wish to contact the providers directly

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