CCG FOI 668 – Non NHS bodies

Responded to: 28th September 2016

In the Stockport CCG annual accounts the amount spent on the ‘Purchase of healthcare from non-NHS bodies’ is given. I assume that this includes any healthcare purchased from ISTCs (independent sector treatment centres), private providers (e.g. Bupa, Virgin Care), social enterprises, GP provider companies, as well as other company structures.

Would it be possible to get a breakdown of the contracts, including the sum of money spent on each contract, that make up the ‘Purchase of healthcare from non-NHS bodies’ category in your annual accounts? If this could be broken down into the organisation form, similar to the categories above, that would also be very helpful.

Please find attached a table summarising the elements requested:

1.    Breakdown by contract / service of amount reported within CCG accounts on the ‘Purchase of healthcare from non-NHS bodies’

2.    By contract value / expenditure £64.4m

3.    By organisational form.
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