CCG FOI 657 – Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT)

Responded to:  22nd August 2016

The following data is required about each Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) mental health service that your CCG commissions for your local area/s.

Name of IAPT service/s you commission Self Help Services, Beacon Counselling, Healthy Minds Stockport (Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust)

The area each IAPT service you commission serves (either by towns or preferably by local postcode/s) Serves the population of Stockport, post codes SK1 – SK8

Name of parent/host organisation for each IAPT service The Big Life Group (Self Help Services, Beacon Counselling, Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust (Health Minds Stockport)

The IAPT service contact information Self Help Services, Manager: Jessica Patient, Telephone number (0161) 480 2020 e-mail:

Beacon Counselling, Manager: James Harper, Telephone number (0161)440 0055 e-mail:

Healthy Minds Stockport, Manager: Judy Driscoll, Telephone number (0161) 716  5740 e-mail:

The following is additional optional information we are seeking if known by your CCG.

  • Does the IAPT service/s you commission accept patient self-referral? Yes
  • Current waiting time for assessment? NHS Stockport CCG does not have this information
  • Current wait time for cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) to begin? 7-9 Weeks
  • ODS code (requested for Nicola at NHS Choices)? Pennine Care – RT2, Self Help Services – unknown
  • Dates of IAPT service contracts (to assist maintaining of database in the future):

Self Help Services contract year 2 of a three year contract

Beacon counselling- provide a grant

      Pennine Care FT – year 3 of a 3 year contract, within wider mental health   services

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