CCG FOI 649 – Type 1 Diabetes Information

Responded to: 5th September 2016

Under the Freedom of Information Act, please could you fill out the following Freedom of Information Survey with the information for your CCG.

1)         How many patients in your area have been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes?

NHS Stockport CCG does not hold this information. This information is submitted to NHS England by GP Practices, therefore you may wish to contact them at:

2)    How many patients in your area with type 1 diabetes are currently using insulin pump therapy?

NHS Stockport CCG does not hold this information. This information is submitted to NHS England by GP Practices, therefore you may wish to contact them at:

3)         How many new individual insulin pumps have you commissioned in:

2012/13  NHS Stockport CCG has only been in existence since April 1st 2013 and therefore only holds information from this date to the present day.We are not in a position to provide information on former and now defunct organisations. If you wish to pursue this further you need to contact:

2013/14, 2014/15, 2015/16 -NHS Stockport does not hold this information.

You may wish to contact the providers below for more information:

NHS Stockport Foundation Trust (Stepping Hill):

Central Manchester Foundation Trust:

University Hospital South Manchester:

Salford Royal Foundation Trust:

4)      What number of the population do you cover? 307,372 (Registered population as of 31/03/2016)

5)      What percentage of your diabetes population were a) offered and b) received an insulin pump in

2012/13  NHS Stockport CCG has only been in existence since April 1st 2013 and therefore only holds information from this date to the present day.We are not in a position to provide information on former and now defunct organisations. If you wish to pursue this further you need to contact:

2013/14, 2014/15, 2015/16 -NHS Stockport does not hold this information.

You may wish to contact the providers below for more information:

NHS Stockport Foundation Trust (Stepping Hill):

Central Manchester Foundation Trust:

University Hospital South Manchester:

Salford Royal Foundation Trust:

6)      Do you give all eligible patients the choice of insulin pump therapy in line with NICE guidance on insulin pumps (TA151)?

NHS Stockport CCG does not hold this information Stockport NHS Foundation Trust (Stepping Hill Hospital) are bound by their contract to work with or towards NICE guidance. For more information you may wish to contact them at:

7)      What guidance, information and structured education do you provide on insulin pumps for a) providers and b) patients?

NHS Stockport CCG does not hold this information

You may wish to contact Stockport NHS Foundation Trust (Stepping Hill Hospital) at: or contact individual GP Practices

The information supplied to you continues to be protected by the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.  You are free to use it for your own purposes, including any non-commercial research you are doing and for the purposes of news reporting.  Any other reuse, for example commercial publication, would require the permission of the copyright holder.  Most documents supplied by NHS Stockport Clinical Commissioning Group will have been produced by Government officials and will be Crown Copyright.