Responded to: 15th August 2016
1. Corporate
a. Annual Report 2015-16 (May not be available as yet but should be towards the end of June Please see the Publications page on our new website:
b. Financial Strategy 2016 Update/Version Please see the Publications page on our new website:
c. Annual, Strategic, Operational Plan 2016 Update/Version Please see the Publications page on our new website:
d. Capital Programme 2016 Update/Version – NHS Stockport CCG does not hold capital budgets therefore does not have this information.
2. Information Technology
a. IM&T, IS, ICT Strategy 2016 (Not Clinical Strategy) Please see Stockport Together Informatics Strategy
b. IM&T, IS, ICT Business/Departmental Plan 2016 Update/Version Please see copy of IMT Work Programme 2016-17
c. IM&T, IS, ICT Organogram ICT is delivered by Greater Manchester Shared Services (GMSS), who should be able to supply their organisation structure upon request. NHS Stockport CCG has an Associate Director of IM&T that sets strategy and manages the contract with GMSS.
3. Estates and Facilities Management
a. Estates and Facilities Management Strategy 2016 Update/Version
b. Estates and Facilities Business/Departmental Plan 2016 Update/Version
c. Estates and Facilities Management Organogram
4. Waste and Environmental Services
a. Waste Management Strategy 2016 Update/Version
b. Waste and Environmental Services Business/Departmental Plan
c. Waste and Environmental Services Organogram
For questions 3 and 4:
Under the Care Act 2012 the estates services provided by Primary Care Trusts were transferred to NHS Property Services, who are responsible for all estates management and waste / environmental services for Clinical Commissioning Groups.
You may wish to submit a request to NHS Property Services Ltd by using the following contact details:
The FOI team, NHS Property Services Ltd, 451C Skipton House, 80 London Road, London. SE1 6LH Email:
The information supplied to you continues to be protected by the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. You are free to use it for your own purposes, including any non-commercial research you are doing and for the purposes of news reporting. Any other reuse, for example commercial publication, would require the permission of the copyright holder. Most documents supplied by NHS Stockport Clinical Commissioning Group will have been produced by Government officials and will be Crown Copyright