Responded to: 11th August 2016
1. In Stockport how many women, since 1980 (or from the date you began to hold these records), have reported depression to their GP which they believe is a consequence of taking the contraceptive pill/or which their GP has identified as such?
2. In Stockport how many women, since 1980 (or from the date you began to hold these records) have reported anxiety – of some form – to their GP which they believe is a consequence of taking the contraceptive pill/or which their GP has identified as such?
3. In Stockport how many women, since 1980 (or from the date you began to hold these records), have sought help from their GP for decreased libido which they believe is a consequence of taking the contraceptive pill/or which their GP has identified as such?
4. How many women in Stockport are currently being prescribed the contraceptive pill and anti-depressants simultaneously?
5. How many women in Stockport are currently being prescribed the contraceptive pill and beta blockers simultaneously?
6. How many non-fatal cases of DVT have been reported in Stockport by women who are currently or have previously been taking the contraceptive pill?
7. How many fatal cases of DVT have been reported in Stockport by women who are currently or have previously been taking the contraceptive pill?
NHS Stockport CCG does not hold this information. You may wish to contact GP practices individually. Information can be found on NHS Choices:
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