CCG FOI 645 – Neurorehabilitation

Responded to: 25th August 2016

1. Please could you supply the name, email address and telephone number of the commissioner with responsibility for neurorehabilitation placements.

2. Please provide the total number of adults funded by the CCG requiring neurorehabilitation.

3. Of the total number of adults requiring neurorehabilitation funded by the CCG (q.2) how many received support in a level 2a or level 2b rehabilitation service (as defined by British Society of Rehabilitation Medicine: Specialised Neurorehabilitation Service Standards 7 30th April 2015 Figure 1, P5)

For questions 3,4 and 6 to 8 please supply the following information as a snapshot at the end of the year for the financial years 2014/15 to 2015/16.

4. Please provide the CCG’s total expenditure on neurorehabilitation placements for financial years 2014/15 and 2015/16. If expenditure for 2015/16 is not yet available, please provide projected expenditure.

5. Please provide the list of providers that received this funding.

6. How much of the total expenditure (q. 4) was spent with level 2a and level 2b rehabilitation services?

7. What is the highest rate the CCG paid per week for a level 2a and level 2b service user requiring neurorehabilitation?

8. What is the lowest rate the CCG paid per week for a level 2a and level 2b service user requiring neurorehabilitation?
For all responses please see attached document