CCG FOI 640 – Neurological Services

Responded to: 9th August 2016

1. Please confirm whether your CCG commissions services for people with neurological conditions. If confirmed, please state which of the conditions listed in Annex A are included in these services.

YES as a CCG we commission services for people with Neurological conditions; these are accessed through GP referral and are not specified in the specialised commissioning business rules.

2. Please confirm whether your CCG has made an assessment of the prevalence of neurological conditions in your area. If confirmed, please provide details of the assessment, including the individual conditions listed.

NHS Stockport CCG in conjunction with Stockport council as part of the health and wellbeing strategy has developed and revised a Joint strategic needs assessment which can be accessed on the address below.

3.    Please confirm whether your CCG has made an assessment of the number of people using neurological services in your area. If confirmed, please provide details of the assessment, including the individual conditions assessed.

NHS Stockport CCG monitors activity for its patients using Neurological services. In 2015/16 there were 12,311 Outpatient appointments (First and Follow-up) for the Stockport CCG population for neurological specialities at all providers.  We do not have details of the individual conditions for these patients. This would need to be requested from the providers. 

4. Please confirm whether your CCG has made an assessment of:

i) the total costs of neurological services in your area. If confirmed, please provide details of the assessment

ii) the per patient costs of neurological services in your area.  If confirmed, please provide details of the assessment.

Details regarding Neurological services expenditure can be accessed on the NHS programme budgeting site.

5. Please confirm whether your CCG collects data on the experience of patients using neurological services. If confirmed, please provide details.

NHS Stockport CCG collects patient experience data through the nationally recognised tool; Friends and family, this is reported through the usual performance framework and reviewed in aggregate at contract and quality meetings. The friends and family feedback is positive at 91% for our inpatient unit in Stockport and 91% at Salford Royal hospital who provide other services, data is published nationally on NHS choices as below:

6. Please confirm whether your CCG:

i) includes service users in decision-making on the commissioning of neurological services,

ii) includes service users in providing ongoing feedback on the quality of neurological services,

iii) takes any specific measures to support participation of people with neurological conditions in decision-making or providing feedback. If confirmed, please provide details.

NHS Stockport CCG supports providers to use patient experience from the above data and local surveys to continually improve care for people. This data is used operationally at a provider level and discussed as exception at contract and quality meetings.

7. Please confirm whether your CCG collects outcomes data on the quality of neurological services in your area. If confirmed, please provide details of the quality measures that you use.

NHS Stockport CCG reviews services on our inpatient unit through the standard quality and performance framework, any issues are identified through reporting and escalated to contract and quality meetings. The Acute Trust reports quality and performance metrics on their performance report which is published in their board papers as below:

Other services provided by Salford NHS Foundation Trust are reviewed by Salford CCG and exceptions are discussed at contract meetings.

8. Please confirm whether your CCG has taken any action to promote integration across primary, secondary, tertiary and social care services for people with neurological conditions. If confirmed, please provide details of what action has been taken.

NHS Stockport CCG are involved in and reviewing proposals by the Clinical network for integrated services.       

9. Please confirm whether your CCG has received a “neurology focus pack” sent out in April 2016 by NHS Right Care as part of its Commissioning for Value programme, and whether your CCG has taken any action as a result. If confirmed, please provide details of what action has been taken.

Yes NHS Stockport CCG has received a neurology focus pack from Right care and we are currently working through the implications of the packs in order to prioritise areas that require specific action. 

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