Responded to: 18th July 2016
NHS Stockport Clinical Commissioning Group, in partnership with Stockport Council, mental health service providers, voluntary and 3rd Sector providers, people with lived experience and carers have established a Mental Health Stakeholder Forum (see Appendix 1 below). This Forum seeks to involve and engage with key stakeholders to review and design, where appropriate mental health services. We are in the process of developing a Joint Strategy and all stakeholders are involved in the development, in addition to reviewing a number of care pathways.
The work described above has just commenced, however people with lived experience and their carers have recently contributed to the redesign of community mental health services. While their in-put was not directly related to the service model, people with lived experience and carers put forward proposals and ideas about the core principles that would shape the service model, these were adopted and taken forward.
Stockport locality work as a whole system in re-shaping health and social care services. Stockport is currently a Vanguard site, testing the Multi-Specialty Community Provider as a new model of care. Within this programme of work a significant proportion is engaging and working with the Stockport public and people with lived experience.
There is a citizens representation panel in place with representation from two Pennine Care Mental Health Foundation Trust governors on the group. There are also two carers on this panel. The chair of this panel and the Healthwatch representative sit on the Executive board which is the main decision making forum for the programme. As plans develop opportunities will be put in place for co-production of the transformation plans with local voluntary groups and patient representatives.
As mentioned above, the Stockport economy have in place a Mental Health Stakeholder Forum, this is chaired by an Independent chair with effective representation from people with lived experience and carers (Rethink Carers Group).
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