CCG FOI 632 – Cesareans

Responded to: 21st July 2016

1.    The number of elective cesareans in each of the following periods:
– 2013/2014 – 424
– 2014/2015 – 365

2.    The accumulated cost to the NHS of the procedure in each of the following periods:
– 2013/2014 – £763,890.50
– 2014/2015 – £670,926.76

These figures interpret the “cost to the NHS” as the cost to the CCG. In this case, because of the way maternity pathway payment works, this does not reflect the true cost of the procedures.

The costings given only reflect the amount paid to the provider by the CCG. They do not reflect the true cost to the provider of providing a woman with an elective caesarean section. This is explained in Section 5.3 of Annex 4A of the 2014/15 PbR Guidance, where it says: “There will be no difference in payment for different methods of delivery – normal, assisted or caesarean section.” This is intended to disincentivise elective C-sections which cost more than a normal delivery in reality.

Furthermore, the cost given is the cost of the “delivery” pathway payment. This also includes the cost of post-partum care of well babies. This is explained in section 5.5 of Annex 4A.

4a Do you have an information/ reporting policy/guidance/management document(s) that includes categorisation/classification of such incidents?

NHS Stockport CCG  does not hold any information about policy/ guidance for elective caesareans, this is operational and as such Providers will hold it.  

4b Can you provide me with a copy of the latest version of these document(s)? (This can be an email attachment or a link to the document).

NHS Stockport CCG does not hold any information about policy/ guidance for elective caesareans, this is operational and as such Providers will hold it.  However, The latest Prices and Tariff guidance from NHS England for 16/17 including maternity is available here: For elective caesareans, please see the sheets beginning ‘Maternity’.

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