CCG FOI 628 – Atopic Dermatitis

Responded to: 12th July 2016

1.    How many adults have a diagnosis of Atopic Dermatitis (ICD-10-CM Diagnosis Code L20.9) in your CCG area?

2.    How many referrals from primary to secondary care were made for adults with suspected Atopic Dermatitis (L20.9) between 1st January and 31st December 2015 in your CCG area?

3.    What proportion of these referrals was a diagnosis of adult Atopic Dermatitis (L20.9) confirmed?

4.    How many ‘Statement of Fitness for Work’ forms have been completed signing people off work as a result of Atopic Dermatitis (L20.9) in your CCG area?

5.    How many primary care consultations took place in your CCG area between 1st January and 31st December 2015 for:

a.    first attendance – skin condition (L00-L99) (in adults)

b.    first attendance –Atopic Dermatitis (L20.9) (in adults)

c.    follow-up attendance –skin condition (L00-L99) (in adults)

d.    follow-up attendance –Atopic Dermatitis (L20.9) (in adults)

NHS Stockport CCG does not hold the information for questions 1-5. You may wish to contact GP practices directly for this information by using NHS Choices for contact details:

6.    Does your CCG have a commissioning policy on the following: (If yes, please provide details)

a.    Dermatology

b.      Atopic Dermatitis

NHS Stockport CCG commissions Dermatology services from Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust.  You may wish to contact them for further details:

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