CCG FOI 624 – NICE guidelines- Cancer Recognition/Statins & Lipids/Treatment Restrictions

Responded to: 13th July 2016

1. Has the CCG adopted the NICE guidelines NG12 on cancer recognition and referral?

Stockport have adopted the NICE guidelines on symptom recognition and referral of suspected cancers, apart from a couple of notable exceptions – 

  • Faecal occult blood (FOB) testing is not available locally, so in line with the Manchester Cancer pathway board policy, the cohort of patients that FOB is recommended for, are to be referred down a standard 2 week wait pathway, i.e. for colonoscopy.
  • GP’s don’t have direct access to CT scans, so where this is recommended, the initial diagnostic investigation is an ultrasound scan, which is then upgraded to a CT scan if necessary.
  • GP’s don’t have direct access to MR brain scans in Stockport, so where recommended this would tend to trigger a 2 week wait referral or admission depending on the presentation.

2. Which NICE guidelines or updated guidelines has the CCG not adopted or supported in whole or part, apart from on statins/lipids?

NICE guidance is reviewed and implemented by our providers. How much of the guidance that is implemented is down to the providers, with the CCG assuring ourselves that where guidance has not been implemented in full, that there are no clinical risks. We know of a historic issue around implementing guidance for familial hypercholesterolaemia – this is being addressed at a Greater Manchester level. There are other instances where providers are not fully compliant with NICE guidance, which is not mandatory. Our assurance process has not revealed any outstanding clinical risks. You would need to approach providers for a fuller list.  

3. Does the CCG have a restriction on knee surgery for patients judged obese, or any other restriction on treatment for these patients?

NHS Stockport CCG does not have a specific policy, but clinicians in our provider organisations may restrict surgery where obesity is likely to impact on the clinical outcome for the patient

4. How can members of the public view minutes of the Clinical Policy Committee?

NHS Stockport CCG no longer has a Clinical Policy Committee. This ended in December 2015.

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