CCG FOI 609 – Glucose Testing Strips

Responded to: 9th June 2016

1. The contact details of the Procurement Officer or Medicines Management Pharmacist responsible for the evaluation of blood glucose testing strips.

Greater Manchester Medicines Management Group (GMMMG) supported the initial review and the information is publically available on the GMMMG website. Locally Caroline Austin led   the evaluation supported by a Multi-Disciplinary Team: contact 0161 249 4232

2. The contact details of the GP Diabetic Lead for the evaluation of blood glucose testing strips. We do not have a diabetic lead. Dr Heather Procter GP Prescribing lead,  gave support to Stockports GP’s. Contact 0161 249 4232

3. The contact details of the Lead Diabetic Nurse for the evaluation of blood glucose testing. Several of the Diabetes specialist nurses were involved including Alison White and Kay Bottrell based at Kingsgate House 0161 426 5408

4. Please confirm if the CCG follows any guidance for the standardisation and guidance for Blood glucose strips from an independent body e.g. LPP, GMMMG…. GMMMG

5. Please confirm which strips are currently recommended on the CCG formulary The CCG follows the GMMMG formulary Blood Glucose Testing Strips are not on the GMMMG formulary.

6. Please provide the current standardisation guidelines for blood glucose meters and testing strips.  We use the GMMMG framework available here

7. Please can you confirm or deny whether the CCG currently has rebates for ANY blood glucose strips and if so, which ones are these? None currently.

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