CCG FOI 596 – Early Intervention in Psychosis

Responded to: 1st June 2016

Please list all of the Early Intervention in Psychosis (EIP) services your CCG commissions, and confirm whether the specification for the service(s) commissioned is NICE-concordant.

Please answer the following questions for each EIP service you commission.

1. What was the average investment per person accessing EIP in 2015/16? NHS Stockport CCG does not have this information

2. How much investment have you allocated for EIP in 2016/17? Investment of   £892K

3. What was the investment uplift for EIP services in 2016/17, in figures and as a percentage? Investment uplift £471K  percentage uplift – 111%

4. How many people do you expect to provide EIP services to in 2016/17? NHS Stockport CCG is working with the provider to obtain this figure as the service specification has changed to commission a service for first episode psychosis for people 18 years and upwards, plus including provision for at risk mental state (ARMS).  It is expected that the service will assess and allocate approximately 55 new cases per year in addition to the existing service users

5.  What is the estimated investment per person accessing EIP in 2016/17?  NHS Stockport CCG does not currently have this information

6.  What age range have you commissioned EIP services for in 2016/17? 18-64 years

7. If any of your EIP providers are also commissioned to provide EIP services by another CCG, what arrangements are in place to coordinate investment decisions and ensure that NICE-concordant EIP services can be provided to all patients in your area? N/A

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