CCG FOI 650 – Safeguarding Adults Information

Responded to: 17th August 2016

I am undertaking a piece of work on behalf of a Safeguarding Adult Board to scope and potentially develop further assurance processes  within the City of York area for services which potentially we do not commission from ourselves. In order to expedite the work I would like to request the following information from your CCG:

  • Do you fund/commission any twenty-four hour care placements for adult clients/patients in the City Of York areaincluding supported living, nursing care, rehabilitation either long-term or short-term? Yes

If yes:

  • How many patients?  Less than 10
  • From which services? Lifestyles Care Home, York
  • Do patients have an allocated case worker in your CCG? Yes
  • How often do you undertake a review of their care? Annually
  • Do receive updates about your patients from the provider services? Yes
  • If no to questions 4-6 how do you gain assurance about the quality of the care provided? n/a

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