Responded to: 28th April 2016
1. The definition of calculation used for new to follow up ratios for chronic pain referrals for the main local pain service that your CCG area uses or commissions.
The number of First Attendances divided by the number of Follow up attendances
2. The data for new to follow up for chronic pain referrals for your main local service for the years April 2010 to April 2015.
NHS Stockport CCG has only been in existence since 1st April 2013 and therefore only holds information from this date to the present day. You may wish to contact NHS England for this information
Year 2013/14
First Outpatient Appointment – 1150
Follow up Outpatient Appointment – 1792
Ratio – 1.558261
Year 2014/15
First Outpatient Appointment – 1315
Follow up Outpatient Appointment – 1651
Ratio – 1.255513
Year 2015/16 (Apr-Feb)
First Outpatient Appointment – 1145
Follow up Outpatient Appointment – 1145
Ratio – 1395
3. Is the calculation used for new and follow-up in Chronic Pain a local or national definition?
This is the standard national definition as used in Better Care Better Value
4. Can you provide the wording of the definition used? Please see question 1
5. Does the New to follow up ratio calculation that is used by your organisation for Chronic Pain also apply to other specialties? Yes
If no – please explain the differences in the calculations
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