Your GP practice is here to help you

It’s vital that if people feel poorly, after trying to ease the symptoms with self-care, they get in touch with their GP practice for advice, and use local information resources before they consider going straight to the Emergency Department.

GP practices did not close during the pandemic and remain fully open using a range of services. including face-to-face appointments, where there is a clinical need to see someone, and digital technology with video conferencing and traditional telephone calls.

Anyone who needs an appointment with their GP should contact the practice by phone or online. The practice team may ask for some details so they can direct patients to the best point of care.

To prevent the spread of COVID-19, and keep patients safe, infection prevention control measures will remain in place across all Stockport GP practices, and other healthcare settings.

All patients and visitors will be required to wear face masks (unless exempt) whilst maintaining a social distance of at least one metre. All staff will also continue to wear face masks.

There’s a range of information on how to look after yourself at NHS 111 Online ( and local pharmacies are also there to support you and your family with any health needs you may have.

Dr Cath Munro, Chair of NHS Stockport Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), said: “Practices remained open during the pandemic and continue to do so, offering a range of appointments in different ways, depending on the patient’s need.

“Our staff are working really hard, so please be patient when you contact your GP practice. Remember you are speaking to a mother, father, son or daughter. Please speak to them with respect and let’s be kind to each other.”