6th October 2017
Stoptober, the national 28 day quit challenge, is back in Stockport with smokers being encouraged to join up and quit together this year, using a range of free online resources and local support.
Annually around twelve hundred Stockport smokers sign up to the nation-wide mass quit and this year Public Health aim to build on previous successes.
To stand an even better chance of quitting this year, Stockport residents are encouraged to sign up with their friends, family and colleagues, as evidence reveals that ‘social quitting’ can dramatically improve people’s chances of successfully stopping.
NHS Stockport CCG, Stockport NHS Foundation Trust, Stockport Council, and the Healthy Stockport Service are all supporting the campaign in a bid to help local people kick the habit.
Dr Vicci Owen-Smith, Stockport CCG’s Clinical Director for Public Health, said: “Quitting smoking is the most effective thing you can do to improve your health. Stoptober really helps because research shows that smokers are five times more likely to quit if they can go 28 days without cigarettes.
“In addition to the Stoptober support, you can also access local support, expertise and medication on prescription to help you quit smoking through the Healthy Stockport Service and local GPs. You are four times more likely to quit smoking with the help of a trained stop smoking professional.”
Over 40,000 people in Stockport continue to smoke but research shows that two thirds want to quit.
It’s not too late to sign up – just search Stoptober online. Locally, Healthy Stockport offers free support to quitters and can be contacted on 0161 474 3141 or stockport.start@nhs.net.