4th April 2022
People from every corner of Greater Manchester are invited to start talking about the future of health and care for themselves and their families.
The Big Conversation survey launches in Stockport on Monday 4 April 2022 and anyone who lives or works in the 10 Greater Manchester boroughs can take part.
The mass online survey will launch on NHS social media channels across the city region, and partners, including local councils, the Voluntary Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) sector, and Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA), will be asked to share it widely. For anyone who doesn’t have access to the internet, there will be an alternative telephone number available 0330 120 1763.
The Big Conversation will run until Sunday 8 May 2022 and anyone who registers their views will be entered into a free prize draw with a chance to win one of four £250 Love to Shop vouchers.
More importantly, feedback collated from the survey will help to shape the future vision of how we will work together in partnership in order to improve everyone’s health and wellbeing.
This major public engagement exercise has been organised by members of the Greater Manchester Integrated Care Partnership (GM ICP) ahead of it becoming an official partnership on July 1 this year.
They hope people will get involved and give their thoughts on what’s important to them when it comes to health and care and making Greater Manchester a great place to grow up, get on and grow old.
Comments received will help the Integrated Care Partnership to set priorities for a new health and care strategy, also known as its five-year plan.
The plan will explain how the organisations in the partnership and the public can work together to improve everyone’s health and wellbeing.
Dr Cath Munro, GP Clinical Chair for Stockport CCG’ said: “The future of health and care in our local area is changing for the better, and we need people to get involved and have their say. The Big Conversation marks the start of this exciting journey to encourage residents to play a more active role in their health and wellbeing.
“Each borough in Greater Manchester, including Stockport, will be part of a wider partnership focused on making improvements to the way health and care services are designed, planned and delivered. For this partnership to work at its best, we need the help and involvement of local people, so I would urge everyone to take part in the Big Conversation and share with friends and family.”
The Big Conversation survey goes live in Stockport on Monday 4 April and all information can be accessed here: www.gmhsc.org.uk/event/the-big-conversation
Notes to editors:
Greater Manchester Integrated Care Partnership will replace Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership as the name of the partnership between all the different organisations that support people’s health and care.
It includes NHS organisations, councils, GMCA, VCSE colleagues and others, all working together to achieve a common vision which will be set out in a new five year integrated care strategy.
NHS Greater Manchester Integrated Care is the name of the new statutory NHS organisation, which will be live from 1 July 2022. It will be responsible for allocation of, and accounting for, NHS resource. Also from this date, it will employ staff from all 10 GM Clinical Commissioning Groups, Greater Manchester Shared Services and GMHSCP. It will operate at GM, locality and neighbourhood levels.
Mark Fisher CBE has recently been confirmed as the new Chief Executive designate.
The organisation will be overseen by an NHS GM Integrated Care Board, which has recently appointed Sir Richard Leese as Chair designate.
For more information:
Please contact Laura Conrad, senior communications and engagement manager for Greater Manchester Health and Social care Partnership: laura.conrad@nhs.net / 07815 655212 or Karen Spibey, communications and engagement lead for Bolton CCG: karen.spibey@nhs.net/ 07500 974347.