30th October 2018
As winter approaches care workers and carers are being urged to get their free NHS flu vaccine from their GP practice.
Vaccinating carers and care workers protects the vulnerable people they are caring for by reducing the risk of them bringing the virus into care homes and spreading it amongst the residents or service users.
Vaccinated staff are also less likely to need to take time off from work due to having the flu, which will help to ease staffing pressures over the winter.
Dr. David Baxter, Stockport’s Consultant in Public Health, said: “Flu in a care home can spread rapidly through unvaccinated staff and residents, leading to a potential serious outbreak of flu amongst very vulnerable elderly people.
“The elderly, and those who are a suffering from long term illnesses, are particularly at risk of suffering very serious illnesses if they catch the flu.
“This is why it is so important that care home staff and carers of vulnerable people get vaccinated against flu. The vaccine is very effective and will help avoid flu outbreaks and reduce hospital admissions.”
The staff eligible for a free NHS flu jab are health and social care workers employed by a registered residential care or nursing home, hospices or registered home care provider, plus those people registered as a carer with their GP.
Staff employed by the NHS or a council should receive their flu jab through their employer.
For further information about the flu vaccine and other groups eligible for a free vaccine, visit www.stockport.gov.uk/fluvaccinations