Sexual Exploitation Week of Action – 16-20 September

Sexual Exploitation Week of Action runs from 16-20 September 2019 .

The focus this year is on victims who are being advertised online, linking sexual exploitation and modern slavery.

Human trafficking and modern slavery are hidden crimes affecting men, women and children every day in the UK.

Human trafficking is the movement of people by deception or coercion for the purpose of exploitation. It includes sex trafficking, forced labour, forced criminality, domestic servitude and organ harvesting.

The scale of the problem

  • 40.3 million people are estimated to be in modern slavery across the world
  • 10 million children are estimated to be in modern slavery across the world
  • 136,000 people are estimated to be in modern slavery in the UK
  • Modern slavery is happening in every corner of the world and can affect any person, regardless of age, socio-economic background or location

How to spot the signs

The first step towards helping victims and preventing modern slavery in your community is to be able to spot the signs. There are many signs of exploitation including if a person:

  • Behaves as if they are instructed by another
  • Appears to be in the presence of a controller
  • Lacks self-esteem or seems fearful or anxious
  • Has signs of physical or psychological abuse
  • Has untreated injuries
  • Has little or no contact with family or loved ones
  • Receives threats against themselves or their friends and family

What to do if you are concerned

For confidential help or to report a suspicion: Modern Slavery Helpline 0800 0121 700
To anonymously report a crime: Crimestoppers 0800 555 111