Severe Storm Warning: Do not travel unless essential over the next 24 hours

The impact of the Storm Eunice is expected to be severe with a danger to life warning. It is advised that any form of travel should only be undertaken if it is essential. If you do need to travel anywhere, please pay extra care and attention to the conditions and objects around you.

Stay up to date with the weather forecasts at or UK weather warnings – Met Office.

General Advice and Tips

  • Prepare for a potential power cut: get torches, spare batteries, medication, mobile phone, extra blankets in one place
  • Secure any loose objects such as ladders, wheely bins, garden furniture or trampolines
  • Close and securely fasten all doors and windows
  • Park all vehicles in your garage (if you have one) or keep them clear of buildings, trees, walls and fences
  • Keep your mobile phone charged
  • Stay indoors
  • If you do go out, try not to walk or shelter close to buildings, trees or buildings under construction
  • Do not go outside to repair damage while the storm is on-going

Useful contacts for further advice and information