27th May 2016
The latest Stockport JSNA is now available at www.stockportjsna.org.uk
The JSNA (Joint Strategic Needs’ Assessment) describes the health, care and wellbeing needs of the population of Stockport and identifies the priorities for action for the next three years.
The priorities are the major issues that commissioners and providers of health, care and other services will need to consider when making decisions. Priorities have been identified for each lifestage, from early years to older ages.
The JSNA presents the findings of the comprehensive data analysis undertaken in 2015/16. The information is available in a number of ways including topic briefings, at a glance summaries and profiles of wards and neighbourhoods.
The JSNA has been published by the Stockport Health and Wellbeing Board and produced in partnership by Stockport Council, Stockport CCG and Healthwatch Stockport. The JSNA will be used to refresh the Stockport Health and Wellbeing Strategy and to inform the development of Stockport Together, Stockport Family and the commissioning of health and care services.