PCR vs Lateral Flow Tests – how do I know which one to use?

Given that COVID testing remains quite new to a lot of people it’s worth knowing the difference between the much talked about ‘PCR’ test and the ‘rapid lateral flow’ test, which is often just called ‘lateral flow’ test.

Both tests rely on swab testing (mouth and/or nose) but the completed PCR test needs to be posted through Royal Mail to be processed by a laboratory, whereas the lateral flow tests are carried out at home, and you see your own results there and then.

PCR Test

You book a PCR test to be posted directly to your home in most cases, and you will use a PCR test if you have COVID symptoms such as:

  • A high temperature.
  • A new, continuous cough.
  • Loss of sense of smell or taste.
  • If you have already tested positive for it.
  • If you have been informed by the NHS Test and Trace that you have been a contact of someone who has now got COVID.

You also need to use a PCR test if you have…

  • Been in contact with someone who’s tested positive.
  • Been asked to get a test by a local council, a GP or other health professional.
  • Agreed to take part in a government pilot project.
  • Been asked to get a test to confirm a positive result.
  • Received an unclear result and told to get a second test.
  • To get a test for someone you live with who has symptoms.
  • Or, if you are a member of the National Tactical Response Group.

In all cases, you need to use a PCR test to confirm whether or not you have contracted COVID.

You can book a PCR test to be sent to your home by calling 119 or via www.stockportccg.nhs.uk/your-health/coronavirus-covid-19/

If you have symptoms, you – and everyone who lives with you – needs to immediately self-isolate. This means that you need to stay at home from the moment you find you are positive and you have to stay at home until you receive your test results.

If you would like further information please phone our Coronavirus Helpline on 0161 217 6046 need the full details from web page re response times and answer phone or for further information visit here: www.stockportccg.nhs.uk/your-health/coronavirus-covid-19/

Rapid Lateral Flow Test

Only people who do not have any symptoms of COVID should take this test. It is also the right test to take for:

  • Young people above the age of 11.
  • People who do not have to self-isolate.
  • Anyone who is unable to get tests from work, school, college or university should take rapid lateral flow tests.

It works a like a pregnancy test and gives a quick result. It comes in an easy-to-use pack with full instructions so you can do the test yourself at home.

You can book a lateral flow test to be sent to your home by calling 119 or via Stockport Council https://www.stockport.gov.uk/getting-tested-coronavirus. You can also pick up lateral flow tests from Stockport’s pop up vaccination clinics. Tests that are unrelated to travel do not cost anything.

It’s important you report your result, whether it’s positive or negative at GOV.UK: Report a COVID-19 rapid lateral flow test result.