NHS Stockport CCG achieves a ‘Good’ rating for 2019/20

NHS Stockport CCG is pleased to announce that NHS England and NHS Improvement has awarded the CCG an overall rating of Good following the annual assessment of its performance in 2019/2020, the results of which were published on 25th November 2020 and can be found on the NHSE website here .

NHS England and Improvement have a legal duty to carry out an assessment of every CCG in England each year awarding ratings of ‘Outstanding’, ‘Good’, Requires Improvement’ or ‘Inadequate’. Each CCG’s performance is measured against key performance objectives and priorities based on four areas: Better Health, Better Care, Sustainability, and Leadership.

The assessment concluded that Stockport was in the top quartile in England across 14 different elements of its performance including the provision of high quality care (in hospital), estimated diagnosis rate for people with dementia, and delayed transfers of care per 100,000 population.

Thwre were also areas of challenge including one-year survival rate from all cancers and improving access to psychological therapies and work was already underway to meet these challenges. The CCG wants to achieve good outcomes for all residents of Stockport regardless of their situation and condition.

Dr Cath Briggs, GP Clinical Chair, said: “We have all faced significant challenges over the last couple of years and I am really proud that we have achieved a rating of ‘Good’ this year and also each year since 2016. It’s excellent to see that the CCG is performing well in so many areas. I want to thank all staff and partners for their continued hard work in ensuring we provide excellent care and support to our population, in particular during these very difficult times.”

Andrea Green, Accountable Officer: “I am delighted at this achievement, and that we have seen the CCG have a positive impact upon health outcomes for Stockport residents. We have a great team in Stockport and we are fortunate to be working with some excellent partner organisations who are dedicated to helping us improve services and outcomes for local residents.”