4th October 2016
Know the facts not fiction when it comes to flu
Listening to some oldwives tale about flu? Or maybe a friend or family member has scared you with some rumour they’ve heard on the grapevine?
Whatever the reason, don’t be put off booking in for your free flu vaccination if you’re entitled to one.
GP surgeries all around Stockport are starting to hold their flu clinics and want to vaccinate everyone at risk before the potentially fatal virus hits the region.
Flu normally surfaces around mid November but as it takes the vaccine two weeks to be fully effective, the sooner you get your jab the quicker you’ll be protected.
Don’t let someone worry you into not having your jab because they believe some unfounded myth about flu – these myths can be highly infectious.
Here’s a list to separate fact from fiction and put you properly in control of your health choices.
The flu jab gives you flu
It’s impossible to get the flu from the flu jab because it doesn’t contain any live virus. The vaccine takes two weeks to be effective and in that time you may be in contact with someone with flu so you could still catch flu which is why it is so important to get the vaccine as early as possible, in October if you can.
The flu vaccine has bad side effects
Many people have no side effects at all but some may have mild ones like a sore arm, some aching of muscles or a slight fever which might require Paracetamol for a day or two.
The vaccine really hurts
Nobody likes needles or injections, but these days we use such small needles so that the flu vaccination is virtually painless.
I had it last year, so I do not need it again
The flu vaccine does not give life-long protection against flu. Each year the circulating flu virus changes so the components of the vaccine will be different from last year.
The flu jab isn’t safe
The vaccine has been used on millions of people around the world and has proved itself to be very safe and highly effective.
I’m healthy and have never had flu so I do not need to have it
Around 15 to 20% of the population, many of whom will be healthy individuals, will catch flu each year so the advice is anyone can pick it up. You are just as likely to get it as someone who has had flu before.
Don’t let someone worry you into not protecting yourself against flu.
Don’t get flu, get vaccinated!