Keeping Steady in Stockport

A new service in Stockport is set to reduce falls amongst older people, which can result in broken bones and time in hospital.

The Steady in Stockport service involves a physiotherapist, occupational therapist and support staff working together as ‘fall assessors’ to help people at risk of a fall.

This includes checking their physical activity levels making sure they have the right foot care, the correct medication, avoid feeling dizzy through eating and drinking enough, and a safe home environment.

The team have started holding both group and one-to-one sessions for people who have already had a fall or a near miss, or who’ve been identified as at risk by NHS or social care teams.

The Steady in Stockport service also employs two fracture liaison nurses. They help anyone who would benefit from osteoporosis management and bone health improvement to prevent fractures.

They also work closely with Life Leisure who run various classes across Stockport aimed at reducing falls risk.

Brian Wild, 87, from Woodsmoor has already benefitted from the service. Brian had been unsteady on his feet and was identified as someone potentially at risk of falling.

Brian said, “The Steady in Stockport team have been really helpful for me, giving me advice around my blood pressure and my walking stick to keep me on my feet. They’ve given support which I can happily recommend.”

Helen Riley, adult community therapy leader said “Falls can result in distress, pain, injury, loss of confidence, and loss of independence.

“Last year in Stockport, more than four people over the age of 65 were admitted to hospital every day because of a fall, which is higher than in other areas of Greater Manchester.

“We want to help older people live safely, whilst also improving their wellbeing and quality of life. A dedicated service that focuses on falls and fracture prevention, together with bone health improvement, can help people take positive steps to reduce the risk of falling and keep their bones strong.”

Steady in Stockport is a service from Stockport Together, a partnership of local NHS organisations, the council and GPs. Referrals to the service are made via GPs and other health or social care professionals, or from other local services including Care Call, Age UK, or Signpost.

For more information, ring the team on 0161 835 6701, or visit the Steady in Stockport at

You can also come along to one of the following drop in clinics to find out more how you can prevent falls:

13 March 14:00-16:00 Romiley Health Centre
26 March 10:00-12:00pm Heald Green Health Centre