12th August 2021
Many parents, guardians and carers are concerned about how their children, whatever their age, are feeling at the moment. This worry is natural but many children and young people will be able to cope with the support of their families and friends.
Make time to listen. Create a calm, safe space where they can communicate their feelings. They may feel overwhelmed by a changing situation which isn’t being explained in a way they can understand.
Take time to talk. Some young people find it easier to talk you when you do something together, such as playing in the park, going for a walk, painting or other activities.
Try to understand the problems and provide reassurance that you have heard them and you are there to help. Their problems could be something you haven’t picked up on, which is very common, so don’t feel guilty about this.
Further advice and helpful tips can be found on NHS’s Every Mind Matters.
If a child has taken an overdose, or needs urgent medical help, call 999 or take them to the nearest Emergency Department. In Stockport, that’s Stepping Hill Hospital.
If you need urgent mental health support or advice, for example, if a child is having suicidal thoughts or self-harming, call the Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust 24-hour mental health helpline on 0800 014 9995 or contact your GP for advice
If you have noticed physical injuries, such as deep cuts or burns, contact NHS 111 online or your GP for advice.
It’s okay not to feel okay. Looking after a child or young person, who is unwell with their mental health, can be very worrying. The NHS has online information on how to access help and support. Remember that you matter too, so look after yourself as well as your loved ones.
Below are a number of local and national support services which are also available to you.
If your child is supported by Healthy Young Minds (CAMHS), call 0161 716 5868, Monday to Friday, 9am–5pm, and ask to speak to the duty worker.
Kooth.com: A free, safe and anonymous online support and counselling service for young people age 10-18, to support mental wellbeing.
Stockport Emotional Wellbeing Hub: Information, advice, and guidance for anyone up to the age of 25. Call 0161 217 6028 (during usual office hours).
ChatHealth: A confidential text messaging service. Children aged 11-19 can contact the Stockport school nursing team about any health queries or concerns. Available Monday to Friday (excluding Bank Holidays), 8.30am–4.30pm.
SHINE: An emotional help and wellbeing service for Stockport young people aged 11-17 years. SHINE deliver group sessions on emotional help, wellbeing and creativity. Call 0161 440 0055.
The Proud Trust Proud Connections: For LGBT+ young people. Offers a rich and growing set of resources and information, as well as the opportunity to speak directly with a Proud Trust youth worker via a one-to-one webchat, on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 12pm-6pm.
National helplines and online support:
YoungMinds Parents Helpline is for parents, guardians and carers. Call 0808 802 5544, available 9.30am to 4pm Monday to Friday.
YoungMinds Crisis Messenger provides free 24-hour crisis support. Text YM to 85258. Texts are free from most phone networks.
Samaritans: Available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Call 0116 123 or email jo@samaritans.org.
BEAT Youthline offers online chat and telephone support to young people struggling with an eating disorder. Their helpline number is 0808 801 0711, open weekdays, 9am–8pm, and weekends and bank holidays, 4pm–8pm.
HOPELINEUK is for young people experiencing suicidal thoughts. Call 0800 068 4141, 9am–12am (midnight), every day of the year.
SHOUT provides free and confidential 24/7 text message support for anyone who is struggling to cope and anyone in crisis. Text SHOUT to 85258.
ChildLine provides confidential telephone counselling service for any child under 19. Call their 24 hour helpline 0800 1111, sign up for a Childline account or have a one-to-one chat with an online counsellor.