Got a chronic health condition? Had your flu jab yet?

Your local NHS and council are calling on residents, who have an underlying health condition, to get their free flu vaccination as soon as possible.

The flu vaccine is available for free at GP surgeries and pharmacies for people who have the following underlying health conditions:

• Chronic respiratory disease (e.g. severe asthma, COPD, bronchitis)
• Chronic heart disease
• Chronic kidney disease
• Chronic liver disease
• Neurological disease
• Diabetes
• Splenic Dysfunction
• A weakened immune system, due to disease (such as HIV/AIDS) or treatment (e.g. cancer treatment)
• Those with a BMI over 40

Dr. David Baxter, Stockport’s Public Health Consultant said: “Rates of flu disease are currently very low, but we are expecting the flu season to properly hit us in the next few weeks.

“It takes around two weeks for the vaccine to give you full protection so it is essential that, if you’re in an at risk group and haven’t yet had your jab, that you get it as soon as possible.”

Stockport’s lead GP Dr Cath Briggs said “It’s essential that people don’t forget how devastating flu can be. The NHS offers the vaccine free to certain groups of people for good reason. If you have a chronic health condition you’ve got a higher chance than most of suffering dangerous complications if you catch flu

“This year’s vaccination is highly effective and will protect you against all the types of flu that may be around. So please don’t risk your health, book in for your jab now and get protected.”

Councillor Tom McGee, Stockport Council’s Cabinet Member for Health said: “We want all residents who are entitled to a free flu vaccination to get protected. The flu vaccine is not just important for older people but it is vital that those with an underlying health condition get it too.

“Ending up in hospital is very traumatic not only for the individuals concerned but also their loved ones too and is entirely avoidable. Don’t risk your Christmas being ruined by the flu.”

For further information about the flu vaccine visit www.nhs/fluvaccine